Thursday 13 February 2020


                MOST MEMORABLE DAYS

          The school internship was started on 22nd july extends upto 1st november 2019.I had my teaching internship at Holyghost C.G.H.S Thottakattukara,where I had allotted to take chemistry in 8c and 9d class under the supervision of navya miss and mary miss.As per the practicals i have to take 50 lessonplans but I had taken more than 50 lessonplans.Totally it was a awesome experience that I hadn't teach anywherein my life .

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 As my passion is teaching this was my great oppurtunity so I used it my maximum. starting from the teaching internship I had realised my each and every faults so i decided to take the oppurtunity to improve my teaching skills more and more.I understand that teaching is not a easy profession.It requires lot of skills,patience and practice.from my experience it is clear that it requires lots of practice.before teaching a teacher should practice well to its fullest. As todays class isICT based ,I had prepared powerpoint presentation and download videos which generates curiosity among students to learn more.The students were very cooperative .As ateacher trainee they get more freedom from us and they talk freely to us relating to their extra cuuricular activities and other issues

                   When i remember about those days some smiling faces came into my mind,our supervising teacher,our students,other teachere where all cooperative to us. We used to have teachers prayer at 9 am after that general assembly starts at 9:30 am,which were all became a collection of memories.Other than allotted classes we all were substituted in LP .UP and High school in leave of some teachers . LP section classes were  very joyful and funny .They sung  some songs,gave some drawing which is still in my shelf .Upto UP section there were boys students also,they were very mischievous difficult to handle .We all need to more serious while handling those  students .We were assigned for duties like gate duty for checking properly whether the students are getting into the school van and handling the huge rush of students after the firstbell at3:30pm.As the school is near to periyar riverside we had another duty to checkup whether the students went to riverside or not. these all makes us duty conscious.



According to our syllabus instead of 50 lesson plans we have to take value classes,LAC classes,yoga classes,physical education classes,health classes etc...We have the video record of it as evidence.On seeing it i always remembered about those classes in which yoga and physical education finds more interesting as students are more interested to do those exercises.It made me to realise thatactual teacher is one who attempt to teach everything apart from her subject.This internship really beneficial for us to improve ourselves and gave great chances for us in everyfield.

        We had our supervision from option tutor irene miss.From her comments I understand what all skills I should have to improve.this supervision  helps us a lot for making improvemnt in this field


 Apart from teaching we had done many things such as supervision of school parliament election,supervision of work experience expo,judgement and supervision of youth festival,exam supervision,karatte class supervision,onam kit distribution,ullasa ganitham supervision etc...These all made us to experience a new chance. from all these chance we got oppurtunity to mould a teacher inside us.


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The most remembering moment is that the showers of love that students shown to us in our farewell day,that was the moment which we want to cherish the most.

Meeting the diverse needs of the learner through teaching


Meeting the diverse needs of the learner through teaching





Teaching is a profession which facilitates learning,extend the knowledge among students.Teacher was the one who meets the diverse needs of learner through his teaching. Traditional teaching involves only lecturing method which doesn't even meets the needs of all learners in the the year passes,traditional teaching gets switched on to new version of teaching which meets the diverse needs of the a classroom consist of different types of learners to meet diverse needs of learners teacher should equipped with wide variety of learning strategies .Teachers of the school should shown much concern about meeting the needs of diverse needs of more able,average and less able students.teacher should have tried to cater for students different needs and help themto build a firm foundation through effective planning of curriculum,specific learning and teaching strategies and assessment .

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As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills, and educational needs. No two students learn the same because of these traits. Diversity in the classroom does not just refer to cultural diversity but also refers to diversity in skills, knowledge, and needs. It is important to understand these attributes in order to effectively teach your students.
Image result for learners cartoonThis lesson will share how you can learn about your students and what to do after you've got the information you need to understand each student's needs.

Learning About Your StudentsImage result for learners cartoon

The most important thing you can do to help educate your students is to learn as much about them as possible. You can achieve this in a wide variety of ways, either by spending time talking to the students, giving them questionnaires to fill out, or engaging them in activities that reveal information about them.
Using a combination of all the above methods can help give you a clear picture of what each student needs and how they learn best. For example, talking to students can give you a clear picture of their verbal skills and personality. A questionnaire can target specific information about the student and help you learn about their interests and passions. Different icebreaker activities can allow you to observe students socializing so you can learn how they act in groups.
Another key component for learning about your students is communicating with parents and families. This will give you background information, such as their cultural identity or personal history. Knowing about your student's cultural backgrounds, for example, can help you create a more culturally sensitive classroom environment so every student feels welcome and safe.

 Meeting the needs of diverse learners in the classrooms

 For meeting the needs of diverse learner,from the part of the teacher and authority they should have to take four major things

  • Attitude 

  • Sensitivity

  • Expectation 

  • Instructions


 School should develop a mission and vision of helping every student to reach his or her full potential


Teacher should develop sensitivity towards each and every students in the classrooms


 Teacher and authority should fit aexpectation for both lower and underachiever of the class


Quality and flexible instruction should be given to each and every students

 Teachers and parents place a major role in strengthening programmes to improve for diverse learners in attaining college and career needs. Although teacher know that they can differentiate instruction effectively to meet individual learning needs but it is hard to meet the diverse needs because most of the school considers students based on their standard of family,whether they were good at academics,and behave them according to these characteristics.

               What is diverse learners?



  Adiverse learner is alearner who is open to all learning styles and has an open mindset to worldwide learning.He or she is up to learning about the different religions of the world along with culture and the identity of diversity without looking at it frm a prejudice perspective

Diverse student learners include students from racially,ethnically,culturaly and linguistically diverse families and communities of lower socioeconomic status 

As the class contains these types of learners teacher should not teach with traditional way of teaching teacher should include :


  • Activity centered learning

  • Student centered learning

  • Asking provoking questions

  • Creative teaching

  • Technology based teaching

  • Generate a stimulating classroom environment

  • Brainstorming

  • Classes outside the classroom

  • Roleplay

  • Storyboard teaching

  • Welcome new ideas

  • Think about a new hobby

  • Team work

  • Puzzles and games

  • Start school clubs

  • Introduce lesson like a story

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                  The biggest challenge for any teacher is capturing each students attention and conveying ideas effectively enough to create a lasting impression which leads to the meeting of diverse needs of the students.

As a teacher,to tackle this challenge effectively,you should implement innovative ideas that makes the classroom experience much more lovable for your students. So implementing the above activities would meet the needs of learners

Meeting the diverse needs of learner is one of the qualities of teacher. Only a great teacher can attain the meeting of diverse needs of the learner.qualities of great teacher includes

  • Expert communication skills

  • Superior listening skills

  • Strong work ethic

  • Deep knowledge and passon for their subject matter

  • High expectation 

  • Excellent preparation and organisation skills

  • Community building skills


Although great teachers may also possess a number of other wonderful qualities like sense  of humor,personality,flexibility,kindness,leadership,classroom,management,experience and the ability to multitask,these are the qualities of the best teachers universally possess

From the recent studies it has been shown that diverse needs can be met through curriculum planning,quality instruction and approppriate assessments.

Clear learning targets and expectation should be set for all students and students need to haveclear picture of where they are leading to. As students have many doubts relating to the content,the teacher should equipped with knowledge of extended content.Thorough practice of learners makes extended teaching content possible.Flexibly responding to their questions are another factor which meets the needs of learner.

Proper assessment of students give idea about students level and academic excellence. So assigning task and fixing expectation to particular students will be easy for teacher.



                  As in capsule we can easily sum up that traditional teaching should be changed and innovative teaching strategies should generate for meeting the needs of the learner. A great teacher can make this possible through ability and their teaching effectiveness also play an important role.

Respecting and valuing individual differences means is the freedom given to all that they can make choices to pursue their interests and develop their potential. Thus teacher by considering every student and take the classes flexibly for all students make them reach at their needs and thereby creating interest in learning.


  A teacher also feels interested in teaching only if the students show some interest and make the class interested.So for a positive classroom environment also teacher leading a great role.If she does meet the learning needs of student, the impact also will be positive